A man addressing the meeting on the sixth anniversary of the setting up of the Jinchaji government

A man addressing the meeting on the sixth anniversary of the setting up of the Jinchaji government


Lindsay, Michael




University of Bristol - Historical Photographs of China reference number: ML03-d053. This photograph is similar to one reproduced in ‘The Unknown War, North China 1937-1945' by Michael Lindsay (London, 1975), captioned 'Head of the army political department'. Words on posters in front of the table: 大会程序:1.开会 2.通过主席团和大会程序 3.升旗鸣礼炮[…] 4.唱[..]爱民拥军歌 5.向受难军民静默致哀 6.团拜 7.主席致开会辞 8. 讲演 9. 介绍英雄及英雄xx 发牌 10宣誓 11呼口号 12休会 13 [..]14 […] 15 散. Translation of the words on the posters in front of the table: Procedure of the General Assembly: 1. Opening of the meeting. 2. Adoption of the Bureau and the procedures of the conference. 3. Raising of the flag and firing of the salute [..]. 4. Singing of the Song of [..] Love the people, support the army. 5. Silence in honour of the victims of the military and civilian casualties. 6. Reunion. 7. President's opening address. 8. Speech. 9. Introduction of the heroes and heroes [..] and giving of the medals. 10 Make a vow. 11 Calling out of the slogans. 12 Adjournment of the meeting. 13 [..] 14 [..] 15 Dismissal of the meeting. See ML03-d054 and ML03-d076 (same event).



Estimated Date



Lindsay, Michael




Black and white photograph